Re(1): Roger, Please be informed that Jaime is not Esteban & so on & so forth
Posted on October 21, 2005 at 11:44:03 AM by marie
My husband Ray told you to take off this message board off a long time ago.and you did. Why you would put it back up, if we asked for it to be discontinued. We are not apart of this message board and will not be held responsible for you and jaime sick pranks. All you and jaime (Scott)want is to use it under our family name to get attention. This is another request to remove this board that's only been used to try and extort money from me or my family. jaime already admitted to working with you and for you not to worry everything can be proved.
Re(2): Roger, Please be informed that Jaime is not Esteban & so on & so forth
Posted on October 24, 2005 at 03:52:18 AM by dannoynted1
Marie (or whomever you may be), please be admonished
Posted on October 22, 2005 at 04:12:45 AM by kenedyranch.net Webmaster
My Dear Marie (if this posting was inf act posted by you):
If you are indeed Marie (Fernandez), wife of Dr. Ray Fernandez, please be admonished about some of the mutual agreements of our joint venture -- that is, I myself, Dr. Ray Fernandez, and yourself.
This "public" board is not the appropirate place for us to be conducting business. I have always treated you and the rest of the Fernandez family members with the outmost respect: I personally take offense in being implicated in a crime (i.e., extortion). The aforementioned was uncalled for and was clear-ly "slanderous" and "libelous." Totally unnecessary.
I have received calls and communications from throughout the state and the nation in regards to your allegations -- from national civil rights leaders to our business associates. My standing and business apparatus in society/the community have overtly been hurt.
The intitial joint venture cannot be abberated from "just like that." This board cannot be shut down "just like that" because your son decides to send me a "dictate" (which is so unbusiness-like) or because you have a sudden "conflict" with the ongoing process of this website ... these things can be worked out in a proper business setting if guided by proper decorum. The latter was drilled into all of us.
To make the matter perfectly clear: to cite my personal notes in regards to this matter and the duty log that is meticulously kept and the scribbled instuctions and/or comments that have come from your husband during the duration of this business arrangement the following has to be said. You never took much interests in this board until now, yesterday -- Friday, October 21: which is fine, "Better late than never" (when it comes to input. But be admonished that any marketing expert with "half a mind" would advice you that any disruption in the consistency of the challenging media cause will engender "doubt" and "distrust" in many of its following.
Now to answer your request. Your husband, after a lengthy dialogue with me after you took a trip to Florida sometime past, agreed (and reconfirmed) that the message board should be shut down for a few weeks and then opened back up again. I have followed such instuctions (which were a two-way "street" discussion) to the letter and spirit of it.
Disagreements seem to be a part of all business relationships, but in the end sober minds always seem to find ways of surmounting them. We have been weathered by this long battle but now there is light at the end of the tunnel. I would never "sellout" the Fernandez cause nor abberate from the honorable joint venture that took place between us dignified people.
This matter (if you perceive it as a conflict) can be resolved quickly and effectively via placing one telephone call to me directly. Please have your husband Dr. Ray Fernandez call me either at my business number (361) 387-6216 or home at (361) 767-6164 at his convinience. If he has in fact changed his mind about reopening the board to the public. He needs to let me know.
If I do not hear from him in the next two days, I am obligated to keep the present arrangement in place.
Again, and as always, I am willing to work with you and your husband to clear this matter and any other that surfaces in the future. As long as we are alive there are solutions to most problems. Let us keep it professional and respectful.
a companion in this cause,
Homero Roel Villarreal Sr.
My Dear Mrs. Marie Fernandez:
Posted on October 24, 2005 at 01:44:17 AM by kenedyranch.net webamster
My Dear Ms. Fernandez:
I have awaited patiently for the last two days. I have invested too much of my money and my time to abandon this cause at the present. I have been reasonable and tried to meet your halfway.
Your husband, Dr. Ray Fernandez in the last two days (which was ample time for him to respond to me via phone or email or this board confirming you stance) has not protested to the present "joint venture" business arrangment nor to the matter of this board having been reactivated a few months ago. The board shall continue to be open to the public. The advertisments promoting this website shall continue to run in El Defenzor newspaper promoting this website as well as the advertisments for "Finder's Fee" advertisment.
As far as I am concerned this issue is closed, and the mutual venture should continue as it has consistently. If you or your husband have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at my business at (361) 387-6216 or my home number at (361) 767-6164 any time of day or night. I will be on call 24 hours if necessary -- if not, my answering machine will (and I shall return the call promtly).
Again, I advice that disagreements are part of any joint venture but sober minds always seem to find a way to surmount them.
A Mutual Partner In This
Honorable Cause
-- Homero Roel Villarreal Sr.
I represent the position of the South Texas Cause!
Posted on October 21, 2005 at 05:17:59 AM by Jaime
The committments & promises made by the Fernandez' on this website to Myself, My wife, South Texas, all readers of this website, all readers of El Defenzor and the Webmaster of kenedyranch.net.
This is what I represent! I am Independent as I have always been Independent (although initially working under an agreement with El Defenzor & Fernandez was feasible until our paths diverged)! I conduct myself and my positions under nobody's thumb!
I agree with the webmaster -- transparency is necessary to maintian integrity
Posted on October 22, 2005 at 11:38:14 PM by Frank Cortez
What is the use of winning a lawsuit and loosing your intetrity.
To move to another website is silly. I have been monitoring this website from the beginning. I don't see eye to eye with anyone. My own family is involved in a similar lawsuit.
How much distrust Ms. Fernandez has for the webmaster and all the posters. There is a conspiracy here???? crap. Just people voicing opinions. We don't live in a Third World Dictatorship.
I can't believe the amount of traffic this website has. It took a long time to built to this level. It will take a long time to do it again, if it works the next time. Seems like divisions are surfacing day by day.
Stop it.
Howdy Jaime Kenedeño,
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your KenedyRanch Battle post. I gave up my search for surf shirts information and wanted to hang out here on your blog - well done. I might make a blog like yours about surf shirts, but I wouldn't try to compete with you. You're doing a great job Jaime Kenedeño.
You got a great thing going... by friend.
Jaime Kenedeño, this has got to stop! People like you are doing a great job on their blogs yet people still manage to junk them up with spammy comments. I've given up, one of my blogs is getting destroyed with the clutter of these comments. Oh well, I guess there's still a lot to enjoy. My surf shirts site is starting to be a better investment of my time. It's easy to maintain, there's a lot of information on surf shirts out there so I'm not having much trouble there. I don't know what to do... You're doing such a great job and I wish my blogs were like yours!
Thanks for letting me post.
Aloha Jaime Kenedeño,
I'm a visitor from Hawaii and just found your post KenedyRanch Battle. I like it... it's interesting so I decided to read and say hi. Although my interests are mostly about rashguards related information right now, your blog got my attention and was a nice change. Thanks for your nice blog Jaime Kenedeño, I think I'll tell my cousin to stop by if that's okay.
~ Aloha ~
Jaime Kenedeño, this has got to stop! People like you are doing a great job on their blogs yet people still manage to junk them up with spammy comments. I've given up, one of my blogs is getting destroyed with the clutter of these comments. Oh well, I guess there's still a lot to enjoy. My rash guards site is starting to be a better investment of my time. It's easy to maintain, there's a lot of information on rash guards out there so I'm not having much trouble there. I don't know what to do... You're doing such a great job and I wish my blogs were like yours!
Thanks for letting me post.
Jaime Kenedeño this is great!
It's funny how I was looking for this type of thing and found your post: KenedyRanch Battle. It pulled me right out of my researching on rashguards products and allowed me to sit down for a nice read. Thanks for your great job Jaime Kenedeño. I think I'll hang out on your blog for a while and be done with rashguards stuff for now. Have a good day Jaime Kenedeño.
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