Saturday, February 25, 2006

South Texas Chisme

South Texas Chisme

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BlogThis!South Texas Chisme
A collection of South Texas Political gossip.

Thursday, February 23, 2006
A Look Back -BLOG 1/9/06 "THE OPPORTUNIST"


Hector DePena, Jr. has announced his democratic candidacy for County Court No. 3. What is surprising is that he previously told several people at the courthouse that he was going to run as a Republican. When initially telling people of his Republican plan, Little Hector said that he lost to Lisa Gonzalez ONLY because his base is really Republican, and they couldn't vote in the Democratic Primary. (It had nothing to do with his total disdain for work, showing up for Court one week a month on a regular basis for years, paying less than a handfull of lawyer buddies thousands of dollars in ad litem and court appointment fees, and all the other dasterdly deeds - that the entire Courthouse was aware of - he did while on the bench.) When asked why he's now running as a Democrat after attending several local Republican meetings recently and openly asking for their support as a Republican candidate, little Hector said that he was merely acting as a SPY and that he wanted to know what those "damned" Republicans were up to. Little Hector, don't insult your base - whichever that may be today. My bet is that the "opportunist" simply got cold feet.
If I were a die-hard Republican, I'd be worried that my party was being infiltrated by double agents or opportunistic turncoats. Either way, it sucks!

posted by elwhatsamatta @ 6:49 PM

At 2:03 AM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
1) How much money has Hector De Pena Jr. spent? Did I overlook something?
2) How much has Hector De Pena Jr. paid Susie Saldana?
3) How much did Hector De Pena Jr. spend for political consulting?
4) How much did Hector De Pena Jr. spend on advertising?

At 1:05 AM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
A Transparent Court Room

Let us bring this to our Nueces Judiciary!

WATTA ya think Mikal? Can you and your crew or club kick in some dinero for this good government cause?

Here is a "BENCH mark" we can start from.

How about it Judges and Candidates?

The Nueces Judiciary will become transparent. We the people are engaging in the formulation of public policy.

There are courts who are implementing some of the reccomendations.

Nanotechnology is here for all of us!

Ask Sandra Watts?

Good JOB Sandra!

RECOMMENDATION 6: Trial Court Room Technology - No Recommendation
The Task Force has not come to a resolution regarding the Trial Court Room Technology issue. There are diverse opinions on this issue among the members. A committee studied the options for a number of months and did not reach an agreement. The introduction of other technologies within the judicial system, such as e-mail, Internet access, Web information based systems and video conferencing, will greatly influence the future direction to be taken in the use of technology in the court room. For these reasons no recommendation will be made. It will be a topic for the State Judicial Committee on Information Technology to deal with at an appropriate time.
Discussion: In the future the State Judicial Committee on Information Technology should establish guidelines for transcripts of statement of facts of trials and hearings to be in electronic formats; and also establish guidelines, where appropriate, for the use of automated instantaneous computer viewable transcripts of trials and hearings. The use of automated transcripts will add the trial and hearing records into the computer automated process to permit trial and appellate judges to rule more quickly. Other court room technologies should also be considered. One reason for appellate delays is the time required to produce transcripts of trials and hearings.

At 1:47 AM, DANNOYNTED1 said...
i thought tinker was hired for those serious time ttype of crimes!?!

but i guess he

i guess i want to say why waste tinkers time on a piddlewink type of case?

was it pro bono?

cuz i cant imagine he is cheap!

is tinker in the club?

At 2:06 AM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
Here's the deal.

We should be able to access the information electronically.

Digital Format can be backed up on hard copy or microfish.

Video documentation and broadcasts are a must as they are the best evidence and backup against he said she said the transcript does not contain what I know was said etc....

This will put a stop to Judges following their own rules and circumventing Justice in favor of WATT he or she thinks, wants or owes. Just because a Judge Gambles does not mean he can collect in a favorable decision litigated in his or her court.

When someone lies it is documented on video.

There is no excuse for not have video documentation in every court room in Nueces including the JP Courts and the Municipal courts as well as the County Courts At Law and the District Courts.

Any Nueces Judicial Candidate or Judge or Attorney who do not advocate for this are either bought, want to be bought and leaving the door open, or are scared.

There is no reason to hold back!

At 2:18 AM, Jaime Kenedeño said...
We should be able to search the records electronically by Attorney and we can see their track record.

By Judge

By type of litigation

etc etc

Transcripts need to be digitally accessible

and we need to implement the watchdog into our education entities and community.

we need to be able to have digital access to the campaign donations to all elected official and it be forthright and undoctored.

The Dallas Court of Appeals has the search options as aformentioned.

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South Texas Chisme: A Look Back -BLOG 1/9/06 "THE OPPORTUNIST"
posted by Jaime Kenedeño @ 2:02 AM
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