Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Judicial Committee on Information Technology: Transparent and Electronic Documentation....

Judicial Committee on Information Technology: Transparent and Electronic Documentation....

1 comment:

dannoynted1 said...

Jaime Kenedeno
Posts: 801

Do a google search on NANOTECHNOLOGY KLEBERG and check out....
10/17/2005 6:07:55 AM

the results!

Genome Projects

Cancer Projects


Social Studies

and on and on!

No wonder you hijacked that last thread Curmy!

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Author Replys
Posts: 2859

Yeah, I''m only part . . .
10/17/2005 6:12:02 AM

. . . of a giant conspiracy. Your tinfoil hat done slipped again.
Wild Ape
Posts: 2725

Re: Yeah, I''m only part . . .
10/17/2005 6:45:14 AM

I didn''t get anything. Did Curm meddle with it again?
Capt Carrales
Posts: 1984

10/17/2005 3:55:30 PM

... ''nuff said!
Posts: 600
Re: Do a google search on NANOTECHNOLOGY KLEBERG and check out....
10/17/2005 6:20:13 PM


Nanotechnology is the science dealing with teeny tiny materials small enough to fully enclose certain human brains. Obviously the technology is not fully functional but we''re working on it. At the successful conclusion of the project one will note a certain silence where a loud whooshing noise used to be.


Jaime F Kenedeno
Posts: 2

Hey Can yall hear that ""certain silence where a loud whooshing....
5/20/2006 2:26:21 AM

noise used to be""?

""Guess who''s the plaintiff''s attorney in the class action suit against AT&T for allowing the NSA access to our phone records in Corpus Christi?""

WATT involvement / complicity does his mother burden?

I say he is WORRIED.

Told Ya.

Hey and you guys need to mellow out on that extreme sport of hunting illegals.

Joe and You to Stan!

KEYS radio might not have the records but I guarantee AT&T does!

That''s your NANOTECHNOLOGY dollars at work.

I told everybody they were listening the whole time...............

and now all the sudden yall wanna act surprised

and why the Judges Boy?



Posts: 2859

No need to post . . .
5/20/2006 6:14:33 AM

. . . your rambling thoughts here, the nonotechnology mind probe we put into your food at Bubba''s Ice House now transmits your every thought to our master computer. Nano, Nano!
Posts: 36

Re: Hey Can yall hear that ""certain silence where a loud whooshing....
5/20/2006 7:02:39 AM

jaime f kenedeno
Who''s on first?
Posts: 1749

My ""Neener Technology"" makes an even more hilarious google
10/18/2005 7:19:12 PM

Here I didn''t realize I was so cutting edge!

Hardcore Harry